新歓ブログ⑥ Sho Masuda




Hi!!! I’m Sho majoring law in Keio!!!


I’m currently the captain of KDS so feel free to ask anything about practices to me.
To introduce myself, I’m half Japanese and Cantonese. I was born in Hong Kong and I lived in Shanghai for 14 years coming back to Japan around 5 years ago. (So I do fulfill the EFL criteria of many international tournaments :D).

Asian Debate Institute 2014 Grand Final

Asian Debate Institute 2014   Grand Final

 2 reasons why I decided to join KDS and started debating

First Reason: Curiosity

The first reason was simply the curiosity I had toward debating. I’ve never seen a debate, let alone debated before university but I got right into debating the moment I saw the model debate during Shinkan where the top debaters of Japan or even Asia from Keio debated which was so captivating that it made me aspire to be like them.

second reason: Lawyer

The second reason is I want to become a lawyer so I thought the skills and experiences of debating would really help me in the future.

 Looking Back: International Tournaments

Looking back at my first year of debate, it was one of the most thrilling years I had. I participated in over 15 tournaments as both debater and adjudicator. Having ups and downs, I really learned a lot teaming up with different kinds of people and because I probably participated in most international tournaments out of the freshmen, I’ll talk about how interesting it is.

Global Leader Debate Workshop in Japan

Global Leader Debate Workshop  in Tokyo

One of the reasons you’d enjoy these tournaments is because you are able to travel to many places around the world, even to places like Australia and Europe with your friends. I went to Taiwan and Korea last year and had a great time being able to not only debate but also tour around enjoying its delicious food! Furthermore, you get the chance to be able to make new friends from all over the world. From people who may be the same age as you, to people who are like some of the leaders of the world. All of these people debating or judging with you during tournaments really expands your knowledge but moreover, make you feel that there’s no boundaries among countries.

These are really just some brief points about international tournaments so I hope I can see you all during practices and talk more about how enthralling debating is!!! See you soon :))





さて、これでブログリレーは終わりです。ななみから始まり、しもんさん、こうすけ、ゆかこ、かご、ますしょう とゴールしました。KDSの魅力、一人でも多くの方にお伝えできていたらとっても嬉しいです。



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