
みなさんこんにちは!今回は20期のカイトさんにThe Kansaiについてのブログを書いていただきました!非常に読みやすいブログになっているので是非読んでください✨


Table of contents

  1. Introduction

  2. 適当な感想

  3. Acknowledgments


This blog post is going to be ridiculously short cause I quite literally have NOTHINGto say. This definitely should have been written by the champion, Toshiya, but anyways, here it goes. I paired up with Reo (from UT) and Rena-san (Keio graduate). I legitimately don’t know how we ended up becoming friends but I’m glad it did.

Results: We ended up as last break, quarterfinalists. I personally got 6thbest speaker and Rena-san got 10thbest speaker.

Rounds: Honestly all of the rounds were very fun. We lost most of our rounds, but I think I had fun with all of them. The motions were more or less straight forward, so it was chill.

I think the most notable rounds were R1 and R4, mainly because R1 was basically a rehab round for our team and we completely got wiped. Also, R4 because we died cause our case was pretty sad.



  1. I liked the motions a lot. Super straightforward, lots of things to say, clashes really well. Extremely fun to debate and I had a lot of fun speaking first because I had a lot of things I could pick and choose form to make our case.
  2. Reo was too smart for our team. I had no clue what he was talking during prep but when he does his speech, it all made sense.
  3. Toshiya winning made me extremely happy because I know the ridiculous amount of effort he puts into debating. Congrats!
  4. The average age for ざかんwas really high. While this might be a bad sign that there aren’t a lot of young debaters entering the circuit, I really enjoyed going against the debaters who have years of experience under their belt, mainly because they’re still really strong.



Thank you to my teammates Reo and Rena-san for 5 extremely fun rounds and a very memorable trip. Also, good luck in Singapore, Rena-san! I hope your last debate tournament with us was worthwhile! Special thanks to Yagasaki-san who was the judge for our team and overall a super fun person to be around! Lastly thank you to the Org Comm and Adj Core for making this tournament a spectacular experience.


Overall super fun!

Results of The Kansai 2020

Champion : 完全感覚Debaters (Toshiya Ozawa joint)

Grand Finalist : Love Sexy Corn flake YANAIKAI! (Mitsushi Ono joint)

Quarter Finalist : カイトとレオ◯とレナ△(Kaito Suzuki, Rena Kitsui joint)

Best Speakers

3rd : Mitsushi Ono

6th : Kaito Suzuki

7th : Toshiya Ozawa

10th : Rena Kitsui, Ryo Hayakawa

Best Adjudicators

4th : Atsushi Sumida
