ブログリレー 2019 #4
Sit back, relax and enjoy👇👇
Table of Contents
1.Why did you join KDS?
2.What made you stay?
Why did you join KDS?
I’m sure that if you’re reading this blog post, then to some extent you have a reason to be interested in joining KDS. That being said, I don’t think you need a grand reason to start competitive debating and personally, I started debating on a whim. I spent a great chunk of my life playing competitive soccer and quite frankly, I thought that when I entered university, I’ll be doing something that was sports related. When I was going around classrooms, my friend and I (we both grew up abroad) passed by a model debate. By then I was only slightly interested but I came back on the second day to watch a model debate, this time about whether death penalty should be legalized or not. That was when I was truly drawn to the beauty that was debating.
What made you stay?
I think for most people debating gives an opportunity to understand the world around you. I think if you look around, most people have basic understandings of social issues but wouldn’t have the capability to critically understand and evaluate certain aspects of that social issue enough to be able to hold an intellectual conversation. The debating community allows you a chance to use a different part of thinking that lets you understand your surrounding in a more complex manner. In addition, the community is absolutely fantastic. For me personally, I am more comfortable speaking English and to know that you have a group of individuals, both within your own club and from other universities, that are comfortable speaking English is truly reassuring. Not to mention, everyone in the community is very accepting of the different walks of life that people come from.
It might seem a bit intimidating but I assure you that the club is a very warm and inviting place. This club truly has made me better person and I hope that you find as much joy from this club as I have. All the Best!
Kaito Suzuki