ブログリレー 2019 #5
目次 / Table of Contents
4.Why did I join KDS?
5.What did I obtain through KDS?
6.To all the newcomers
A.) 人
B.) ディベート
ディベートはパズルみたいです。一つ一つのピースが繋がり、自分が描こうとしている世界が目の前に見えてジャッジが頭を頷く時の快感はたまりません。他の競技では得られないような体験であり、中毒性が高いです。笑 ただ、実際そんな快感を得られるのは稀です。しかし、面白いことに自分が満足したスピーチができなかったとしてもジャッジからの適切な指摘や先輩からの新しい知識や同期からの評価によりもっとうまくなりたいと思ったり、少し頭良くなったなと感じます。このサイクルによりいつの間にか幅広い知識を効率的に得ることができ、学部で専門的な分野をやっていたとしても試験や単位を恐れずにより多くの知識が学べます。
English Version
To all those who are thinking of joining KDS
Hello! My name is Shingo Iwata and I’m the current Chief (Representative, President etc.) of KDS. In this post I’m going to talk about my own perspectives of what KDS is and what it has made me into. But obviously keep in mind that this is merely my own view and that the story that you will have with KDS will be something different.
4.Why Did I Join KDS?
To be honest I didn’t even know about the existence of KDS until all the model debates were over and they had stopped handing out the flyers. It was only when a friend invited me to join the dinner that I first knew of the existence, having not decided any club to join I decided to go and it was a choice that I would never regret. I immediately fell in love with the friendly and welcoming yet serious atmosphere when we talked about debating. But it was when I participated in the practice that I decided to join KDS. Being a returnee, I had always had some confidence in my English but all that was shattered when I stood up and found myself lost for words. In that moment I felt humiliated, embarrassed and angry at myself for being confident about my own English when I couldn’t even finish a seven-minute speech and promised myself that I would dedicate my university life to the sport that had robbed me of my confidence.
5.What Did I Obtain Through KDS?
a.) People
When you think about debaters you may think of robotic people who are sensitive to logical errors or people who only accept arguments from an objective perspective. Part of this is true but mostly we are no different from the people you pass by in Shibuya or the people around you; we sing in showers, we scream when we watch horror films and we laugh our heads off at stupid jokes. But what I believe sets apart these individuals as debaters is their open minds that accept new values/ideas and always encourage for you to be yourself and don’t judge you for the way you are. To be in a place of comfort, to be in a place where no one rejects you for being who you are gives one a sense of belonging. Moreover, you get to meet people and be friends with them from all over the country and even those from abroad! The experience you can have is rich and diverse and there is not a single moment that you want to miss.
But what makes me love debating most are my fellow teammates who are always there for my ups and downs. The memories that we have shared together participating in tournaments, winning matches, winning tournaments, going abroad, running around in the fields playing tag, screaming our hearts out at karaoke, these are the memories I cherish the most and it is because I have so much trust in these people that I had the courage to become the representative of this debate club.
b.) Debate
The feeling you get when all the pieces of logic fall into place and you can see the world you are trying to create forming in front of your eyes and the judges start nodding their heads is an indescribable sense of pleasure and satisfaction. It’s a feeling that no other sport can give and it is very addictive. Obviously the majority case is that you don’t always have this satisfaction when you lose, win by a margin or win but don’t get why you won, but the funny thing is that that makes it all the more interesting because you get to discuss and widen your view with the judges,your opponents and peers who watch you from the crowd. It shows you more puzzle pieces you can fit in your arguments and makes you “feel” smarter. The endless cycle of this satisfaction makes you delve more and more into debate and gives you so much knowledge on a wide variety of things efficiently that is hard to do unless you are in a liberal arts department. So even if you major a certain subject you still get a huge amount of knowledge without being scared of tests or credits.
6.To all the newcomers
There are obvious merits when you do debate. Improve your English, get better logical structure, get better at public speech etc. But what I want to point out is that the people you meet and the peers you will have at KDS are a lifelong treasure.
There is no conversation more boring than the one everybody agrees. Make your difference more meaningful.
Join KDS:)
Shingo Iwata