2022 ブログリレー #5
Table of Contents
1. なぜチーフに立候補したか
2. 自分にとってディベートは何か
1. なぜチーフに立候補したか
2. 自分にとってディベートは何か what debate means to me
I have a cat named momo-chan that I adore, and after debating a motion on eating meat, I started thinking about momo-chan differently. Momochan could never consent to being my pet. He was not given any alienable rights or a voice for when he wants to protest something (although my family and I treat him well). He gives my family and I service of love, but he is never compensated. These ideas really messed with me, and for a while, I was telling momochan he could escape whenever he wanted because to me, having a pet was synonymous to keeping, by definition, a slave.
This is what debate gives me: anxiety, and also new ideas that make me see the world differently. Debate has introduced to me ideas like anti-natalism, positive nihilism, or several fields of feminism and these ideas have really changed how I think. To me, debate is great in this way, because it makes paradigm shifts inside your mind and bamboozles you when you least expect it. Like thinking you are a loving cat-owner to thinking you are a manipulative slave-owner.
I do not know the reason for why I like new ideas other than that it is interesting to me, but this element of always questioning the status quo is what keeps me debating.
I think debate also gives me a sense of community that I did not get while growing up. I think I was pretty argumentative from a young age, and I did not fit the model of the “ideal girl” especially in Japan. Maybe it was the way I said it, but in middle school, whenever I questioned something or spoke out, people treated me like a nuisance. They asked me why I had to talk about controversial things and be so argumentative. They told me I would be kawaii if I would just stay quiet. This really hurt my self-esteem and I was stuck between saying how I felt and being a likable person. In the debating community, this does not happen because contradicting ideas are all we have. I really like the fact that I can talk about feminism with the guys at KDS, and people ware just overall listen to what I have to say. It makes me happy!