


Hi, my name is Natsumi Sadaoka, 3rd year medical student and chief of KDS 25th generation. I started debating in university about a year ago. I lived in Canada for 5 years and Mexico for 4 years. In this blog, I will be presenting the fascinating points of debate and KDS! If you are interested, please come visit our practices and model debates! The contents of this blog will be mainly in English but I will write a brief message in Japanese at the beginning so please feel free to skip to the part written in English!

目次/table of contents

0. 日本語での新入生へのメッセー

1. What is debate

2. Why you should definitely join KDS

3. A message to the freshmen looking for a club to join 




皆さんは大学4年間何がしたいですか?専門分野の勉強がしたい、遊びまくって人生の夏休みを満喫したい、留学してみたい、など色々あると思いますが、4年間は本当にあっという間です。私は入学してから既に2年間が経っているということが信じられないです。短い時間だからこそ、やりたいことをできるだけたくさんやりましょう。ちょっとでも気になったことがあったら挑戦してみてください。不安なことは意外とやってみると大丈夫って気付けたり、最悪やってみて合わないってなったら辞めることもできます。いろんなことにチャレンジできるのは学生の特権だと思います。てなことで、とりあえずちょっとでも気になったらKDSに入りましょう!笑 英語ができるか心配、人前で話すのが苦手、ハードルが高そう、、、とか考えてても時間がもったいないので一旦入ってみるのがいいと思います。実際私は1年間くらい3つのサークルをかけもちした結果、ディベートが一番したいというのがわかってKDSに絞りました。やってみないとわからないことも多いので、とりあえず色々やってみましょう!










1.What is debate?

Debate is a sport where two teams, proposition and opposition, advocates for and against a certain topic of debate. This topic is called a motion, and this can range from debating about whether child labor should be legalized, to if the world would have been better if no one was able to lie, to just something random such as if you would rather go to a debate tournament rather than go on a date with your partner. Debate is not simply just spitting out facts or saying what you think, you have to structure a 7-minute speech to forward a strong argument and rebut to the other side’s arguments. Sounds difficult? No worries! No one is able to do a 7-minute long speech at the first try but you will be able to do so with practice. I also had trouble making a speech that lasts 4 minutes at first, but now I feel that 7 minutes is too short to fit everything I want to deliver.

Several reasons why you should do debate:


A. Your English improves

Since you are forced to give an English speech in 7 minutes, your English will improve by constantly practicing. You learn new phrases and vocabulary by listening to other people’s speeches. Most importantly, you learn how to transmit a message. Your grammar doesn’t have to be perfect to do so, nor do you need fancy vocabulary. This skill can be applied to real life conversations. 


B. You learn to think and explain logically

There are many motions that relate to the problems or topics in the world. Debating gives you a chance to gain knowledge and think deeply about these topics. For example, social justice movements, environmental issues, politics, etc. To prove an argument, you need sufficient reasoning. Since debate is judged by humans, you have to persuade the judge that you are winning. Through debating you learn how to thoroughly explain something which is an important skill. You also gain an objective view on different topics. Since you cannot choose which side to debate on, you have to think of arguments on both sides.


C. It’s addictive

You get something to do on the weekends and on the weekdays. There are many debate tournaments (almost every weekend), and many practices that you can participate in. You can also do debate alone by listening to debate recordings, lectures, and doing preparation practice by yourself. By doing so, you get one step closer to becoming a debate addict (dibekichi). But it is also okay to do debate only sometimes. You don’t have to participate in all tournaments and the practices are not mandatory. You can freely decide on how much time you want to dedicate to debate.


D. Debate tournaments are super fun!!

Especially in-person tournaments. You get to meet debaters from other institutions, feel nervous about the motion release or the results, share the happiness when you get prizes. Experiencing a variety of emotions is unique to debate and makes your life meaningful (?)

There are also tournaments in other cities or even other countries and it is fun to go with people from KDS because you can also travel.


2.Why you should definitely join KDS

KDS is the only English parliamentary debate club in Keio. It was created around 25 years ago and has many alumni. These are the reasons why you should join KDS:


A. Amazing people

KDS has members from diverse backgrounds and different departments. That is why it is inclusive to everyone. The seniors are very nice and they look after you well. They teach debate step by step and so you can improve fast. You can create lifelong friends and relationships in KDS. 


B. Fun events

Apart from debate practice, we also have many fun events. When we have in-person tournaments that are far away like in Osaka or Nagoya for example, we usually go as a club and rent a room on Airbnb for the whole team. It is also fun to go travel before or after the tournaments. We also have training camps (gasshuku) every year and other events like Christmas get-togethers or Ski trips. It is totally fine even if you don’t do debate at all and just come to these events.


C. The best environment to learn debate

Since the club has a history of about 25 years, we have many debate documents and lectures left by alumni. You can ask for advice from many strong senpai debaters. There is also practice 3 times a week which you can decide when to participate. So, you will improve in debate in no time!


3. A message to the freshmen looking for a club to join 

University life is short. Use your time wisely.

If there is anything you want to do, challenge yourself to do so!

I advise to join a lot of clubs and then decide which ones you are going to dedicate yourself to after because you never know what might be best for you.

Please come see our practices and model debates!

Everyone in KDS is looking forward to meeting you.

A photo of KDS members of different years from the tournament run by KDS


A photo of me and my partner Saya listening to the opponent’s speech