Japan Womxn’s Nationals 2023

今回の担当は、Womxns Nationalsにてチーム、個人プライズに輝いた、26期のReina IwataさんとDiona Angelicaさんです。本大会は非シスジェンダー男性のディベーターのみが参加する特徴的な大会となっています。慣れないBPで見事功績を残したお二人に、大会に至るまでの過程や大会の経験を執筆していただきました。

Let’s take this up as a narrative of passion, persistence, and the ultimate triumph of humble contenders who somehow believed in the magic of words. 

This is Diona and Reina of KDS ’26, join us as we take you through the highs and lows, the thrill of the debate floor, and the bittersweets of Japan Womxn’s Nationals 2023. But first, let us introduce ourselves—for the day, we proudly took on the moniker “RAWR,” a whimsical spin-off of the mighty ROAR! There’s unfortunately no intricate thought process behind that; it was decided on a whim; sorry, folks—sometimes spontaneity leads to the best adventures (or so they say)! Now, let’s dive into the thrilling tale of our journey.


Table Of Contents

The Journey

The Tournament Experience

Team Dynamics

Highlights and Growth


The Journey

In the weeks (one single week) leading up to the tournament, our team, affectionately known as “RAWR,” delved into preparation. As rookies, we faced unique challenges—grappling with the unfamiliar British Parliamentary format and refining our argumentative skills. Through countless (3 times in total) practice debates and strategic planning, we forged a formidable partnership ready to face the tournament head-on.



The Tournament Experience

The tournament itself was a whirlwind of emotions basked in camaraderie. Each debate brought its own set of challenges, forcing us to think on our feet and articulate our points persuasively. Memorable moments were aplenty, from the adrenaline rush of delivering a compelling rebuttal to the suspense of awaiting judgment from discerning judges.

The tournament unfolded over three intense rounds, each testing our wit and eloquence. In the first two rounds, we roared (yes, its a pun :D) into action and secured an impressive 2nd place. It was by no means easy, though, our opponents were as challenging as the motions. The thrill of being on the cusp of victory fueled our determination. However, the nail-biting suspense continued as we entered the third round—a silent round. Anticipation filled the air as we awaited the break announcement. Nervous but hopeful, we clung to the possibility of advancing further. Alas, we didn’t break, but the announcement that we secured the 2nd Best Rookie Team added a silver lining to our journey.

私は、これまでのNA大会で2nd speakerをすることが多く、立論をすることに対して絶望的に苦手意識がありました。しかし大会ではチームバランスを考え、オープニングでは私が1st speaker(立論)、Dionaが 2nd speaker をする事になりました。大会当日も「OG(Opening Government)だけは無理」と思っていたので、大会中一回もOGにならなかったのは本当に奇跡だと思います!Dionaがプレパ中に意見を整理して伝えてくれていたので、OO(Opening Opposition)になったときにも、プレパでまとまった案と自分なりに考えた具体例を用いてスピーチすることができました。


Team Dynamics

Our success was not just an individual feat but a testament to the strength of our partnership. As team “RAWR,” we roared (yes, another pun :D) into action, complementing each other’s strengths, navigating the complexities of debates with finesse, and providing unwavering support during the intense moments of competition.

ラウンド後に二人で振り返りを行いつつ、Dionaからスピーチを改善するためのアドバイスをもらいながら、ラウンドを重ねるごとにチーム力も良くなったと思います!私が一人で論題理解に苦しんでる時も、時間を割いて説明してくれて、Dionaの優しさに助けられました。 Thank you Diona!

Highlights and Growth

Each debate contributed to our success, and we take pride in knowing that our efforts were recognized among a pool of talented participants. The acknowledgment of our dedication and skills was a true highlight of the tournament.

Beyond the trophies and accolades, our journey was a profound learning experience. We discovered the power of resilience, adaptability, and the importance of effective communication. The critiques from judges became invaluable lessons, propelling us to constantly refine our approach and broaden our perspectives.





We extend our heartfelt thanks to the tournament organizers, judges, and fellow participants who made this experience unforgettable. Special gratitude goes to our KDS seniors too whose guidance paved the way for what we achieved.

In all, our journey during the Womxn’s Nationals has been nothing short of incredible. We are grateful for the support and camaraderie that defines the Japanese debate community, especially to our fellow women and non-cis men in debate. 

最後にWomxn’s に参加するにあたりお世話になった大会関係者の方々にこの場を借りて感謝を述べさせてください。自分の課題にたくさん気づかされる一日でした。何よりもDionaにたくさん支えられて、チーム・個人でブレイクすることができたと思うので、すごく感謝しています。



Here’s to the passion for argumentation, the thrill of competition, and the pursuit of knowledge that keeps us all debating!


KDS’ first-year representatives <3


Japan Womxn’s Nationals 2023


Rookie Best Teams
2nd RAWR (Reina Iwata, Diona Angelica)
3rd RRR (Rea Okamoto, Haruka Akiyama)

Best Speakers
5th Diona Angelica
9th Rea Okamoto

Rookie Best Speakers
2nd Diona Angelica
5th Rea Okamoto
6th Reina Iwata
6th Haruka Akiyama

DCA Taichi Fukami
Tab Director Ryunosuke Gyotoku